Hey There -

At Rely, we understand that the most profound successes often stem from the relationships we cultivate and the serendipitous moments that bring us together. Our journey is a testament to the transformative power of these connections and the magic that can arise from investing in them.

The Journey

My entrepreneurial journey began in 2009 when I developed an Ecommerce Website Builder. Our first nine customers were close friends, family, and their referrals—I didn’t know any other way! This personal touch laid the foundation for what would become a central theme in my career: the serendipitous power of relationships.

Another serendipitous moment occurred when my partner's college junior proposed a $2,000 Google Ads audit. If we added value, the entire account would be ours. Fast forward 11 years, that client now contributes millions annually to our business.

But perhaps the most cosmic twist was meeting the CBO of India’s largest Pizza company at our kids’ birthday party. This chance encounter, made possible by the strong bonds we had formed over time through engaging in small interactions, led to our biggest analytics and A/B testing project. This experience underscored the importance of nurturing relationships, which often require prior effort and establishing trust through authenticity. As a result, we became one of the first companies in India to provide integrated growth initiatives to large enterprises.

The Role of Serendipity

Ask any B2B product or service company, and they’ll share success stories of serendipitous moments that felt like sheer luck. Sometimes, the universe conspires in our favor. These encounters shape our journeys and underscore the importance of being open to opportunities.

The Birth of Rely

Recognizing the power of these moments, We founded Rely to help businesses unlock their first million-dollar opportunities by leveraging their existing relationships. Our mission is to assist you in defining your short and long-term objectives, crafting your core story, and realizing the relationship wealth you already possess.

Our Philosophy

At Rely, we embrace the concept of "Smart, Active Luck." We believe in increasing our "Luck Surface Area" by actively investing and managing the lifecycle of connections and turn them into deeper bonds. This philosophy is embedded in our platform, designed to foster unexpected outcomes and opportunities.

Join Us on This Journey

As we move forward, we invite you to embrace the serendipity mindset with us. Let’s create smart, active luck together, with strategic work over your Relationship wealth and building a future where your relationships are your greatest asset to REAP the benefits. Here’s to being a serendipity magnet and achieving great success through the power of relationships.

Warm regards,

Satish Sharma
Founder, Rely

Hey There -

At Rely, we understand that the most profound successes often stem from the relationships we cultivate and the serendipitous moments that bring us together. Our journey is a testament to the transformative power of these connections and the magic that can arise from investing in them.

The Journey

My entrepreneurial journey began in 2009 when I developed an Ecommerce Website Builder. Our first nine customers were close friends, family, and their referrals—I didn’t know any other way! This personal touch laid the foundation for what would become a central theme in my career: the serendipitous power of relationships.

An unexpected turn came when a friend, who had allocated his PPC budget to GroupM, suggested I try SEO instead. Though I wasn't an expert, I took two weeks to learn and landed my first SEO client in 2011. This venture opened doors to new opportunities and growth and then we became the top 5 agency in India for SEO.

Another serendipitous moment occurred when my partner's college junior proposed a $2,000 Google Ads audit. If we added value, the entire account would be ours. Fast forward 11 years, that client now contributes millions annually to our business.

But perhaps the most cosmic twist was meeting the CBO of India’s largest Pizza company at our kids’ birthday party. This chance encounter was made possible by the bonds my wife had formed which led to our biggest analytics and A/B testing project which resulted in us being one of the first companies in India to provide integrated growth initiatives to large enterprises.

The Role of Serendipity

Ask any B2B product or service company, and they’ll share success stories of serendipitous moments that felt like sheer luck. Sometimes, the universe conspires in our favor. These encounters shape our journeys and underscore the importance of being open to opportunities.

The Birth of Rely

Recognizing the power of these moments, We founded Rely to help businesses unlock their first million-dollar opportunities by leveraging their existing relationships. Our mission is to assist you in defining your short and long-term objectives, crafting your core story, and realizing the relationship wealth you already possess.

Our Philosophy

At Rely, we embrace the concept of "Smart, Active Luck." We believe in increasing our "Luck Surface Area" by actively investing and managing the lifecycle of connections and turn them into deeper bonds. This philosophy is embedded in our platform, designed to foster unexpected outcomes and opportunities.

Join Us on This Journey

As we move forward, we invite you to embrace the serendipity mindset with us. Let’s create smart, active luck together, with strategic work over your Relationship wealth and building a future where your relationships are your greatest asset to REAP the benefits. Here’s to being a serendipity magnet and achieving great success through the power of relationships.

Warm regards,

Satish Sharma
Founder, Rely


We’ve got you covered

B2B founders looking for 0 to 10 growth

Rely’s strategic approach is brilliant. Instead of relying solely on paid ads, tapping into your existing network is resourceful. Warm introductions, referrals, and word-of-mouth marketing can lead to cost-effective lead generation. It’s like turning social capital into business growth—maximizing impact without burning through your budget.

Founders looking for clarity on Solutions and Audience

Sr Executives worried about their Long-Term Career Sustenance

Business leaders exploring alternate ways to grow

B2B founders looking for 0 to 10 growth

Rely’s strategic approach is brilliant. Instead of relying solely on paid ads, tapping into your existing network is resourceful. Warm introductions, referrals, and word-of-mouth marketing can lead to cost-effective lead generation. It’s like turning social capital into business growth—maximizing impact without burning through your budget.

Founders looking for clarity on Solutions and Audience

Sr Executives worried about their Long-Term Career Sustenance

Business leaders exploring alternate ways to grow

B2B founders looking for 0 to 10 growth

Rely’s strategic approach is brilliant. Instead of relying solely on paid ads, tapping into your existing network is resourceful. Warm introductions, referrals, and word-of-mouth marketing can lead to cost-effective lead generation. It’s like turning social capital into business growth—maximizing impact without burning through your budget.

Founders looking for clarity on Solutions and Audience

Sr Executives worried about their Long-Term Career Sustenance

Business leaders exploring alternate ways to grow

B2B founders looking for 0 to 10 growth

Rely’s strategic approach is brilliant. Instead of relying solely on paid ads, tapping into your existing network is resourceful. Warm introductions, referrals, and word-of-mouth marketing can lead to cost-effective lead generation. It’s like turning social capital into business growth—maximizing impact without burning through your budget.

Founders looking for clarity on Solutions and Audience

Sr Executives worried about their Long-Term Career Sustenance

Business leaders exploring alternate ways to grow

Ready to Rely?

Enhance your network’s potential through Rely’s intelligent AI, custom coaching, and dynamic group, fostering a future overflowing with impactful exchanges.

Ready to Rely?

Enhance your network’s potential through Rely’s intelligent AI, custom coaching, and dynamic group, fostering a future overflowing with impactful exchanges.

Ready to Rely?

Enhance your network’s potential through Rely’s intelligent AI, custom coaching, and dynamic group, fostering a future overflowing with impactful exchanges.